It is tempting to think of the elite as
reptiles, particularly politicians. Thick skinned, cold blooded, forked
tongues, they have all the characteristics. Unfortunately, the truth is much
worse. To comprehend that they are human, like you or I, but still choose to
behave and act in that way really defies comprehension.
Even given that they are Tories, the
behaviour of the right wing during the EU Referendum, the ensuing leadership
hogfight and party conference was amusing and depressing simultaneously. It’s a
hard feat to achieve but it showed the depths some are willing to plumb in
their caustic passion for power.
Unfortunately, the Labour Party has been
worse. Sacrificing stalking-horses, denying legitimate members a vote and
arguing childishly. All whilst trying to provide a legitimate candidate to
challenge Corbyn. For his part JC has been successful at motivating a social
movement but woefully lacking at strong leadership, conducting a sharp
anti-government dialogue and forming a coherent and supportive cabinet - areas
that are fairly essential when we need a credible and effective opposition.
I don’t know what the roadmap to becoming a
politician looks like but I imagine it takes a lot of tedious graft. An
interest in news and political theory which perhaps develops into some desire
to be of greater use to society, percolated through studying politics and
history at a Russell Group University, most likely Oxbridge.
Should you clamber far enough up the pole
to spend long hours in a sub-group or committee, working on plans that have
little or no chance of becoming policies, perhaps you’ll have caught the
attention of powerful individuals who propel you towards the front or back
By the time you’ve gone through this
quagmire it is possibly to be expected that you’ll do literally anything to
stay in that position of power. Somewhere along the way you’ll have lost sight
of the desire to do good and benefit your constituents. You’ll just want to
continue to sit near the top table, to retain your power. We hear so much about
the ‘Westminster bubble’ I have to assume that it has impenetrable mirrored
walls, facing inwards.
For every Jo Cox it seems that there are hundreds of Amber Rudds.
Ms Rudd and I are of a similar age and her work with The Snowdon Trust and on
FGM no doubt exceeds any of the good deeds that I have performed in my life.
The dichotomy of this work and her ability to paraphrase Mein Kampf with
chilling ease at the Tory Conference displays the dreadful truth of being an
MP, it’s obviously complicated.